Feb 28, 2011 | san jose newborn photographer, san jose newborn photography, san jose photographer, san jose portrait photographer, san mateo baby photographer, san mateo baby photography
Awww, another sweet newborn baby girl! I’ve had the honor of photographing three newborn girls in the past two weeks. Sometimes newborn sessions can take quite awhile. You are, of course, on their schedule. One time it took me almost 6 hours! I really don’t mind at all and I enjoy chatting and getting to know the parents. This baby girl was a perfect little princess. Her beautiful mommy is a new friend of mine. She was so friendly to me during a time of recent change in my life (Which is always scary for me! Hate change!) and I appreciate it so much. Here is a sneak peak! Congratulations A.!!! BEAUTIFUL MOMMY ADMIRING HER LITTLE GIRL! SO SWEET. LOVE “BINKY” PHOTOS! TOO CUTE! ALREADY UP AND LOOKING...
Jan 17, 2011 | san mateo baby photographer, san mateo baby photography, san mateo children photographer, san mateo childrens photographer, san mateo kid photographer
I took her Mommy’s maternity photos, took baby O’s newborns when she arrived and had the pleasure of visiting her at 3 months old now! Baby O. has such big beautiful round eyes and I can’t get enough of her. I’m really glad her Mom keeps having me back because there is NOTHING BETTER than keeping up with my clients and friends! It’s awesome to watch the kiddos change and grow. The best part is the children get to know me and they actually happen to like “playing” with me!!! Makes for some great photos! I’ve been having some fun this new year horsing around with editing. I am kind of digging this hazy, honey look lately, but I’m not 100% sold on it. Anyways, I think I am the only photographer who will say I don’t have a steadfast style because I don’t! I have an “eye” and I see what I see and I like what I like. I’m an artist and it’s fun to play around and change things up for...
Nov 2, 2010 | bay area childrens photographer, bay area kids photographer, san mateo baby photographer, san mateo baby photography, san mateo children photographer, san mateo childrens photographer, san mateo family photographer, san mateo kid photographer, san mateo kids photographer
Hi everyone! Happy Fall! I made it to November, phew! I never thought I would. October is always insane. Six more weeks of the holiday rush and then I can kick my heels up for a few days and enjoy the holidays with my family! I wanted to say how disappointed I am that I had to turn so many of you down this year for holiday sessions. *dislike* I have finally enlisted some help so I’m thinking that by next year I should be able to manage my time better and take on more clients since I’ll have help with all the editing. That reminds me! I have been meaning to post about editing. It goes a little something like this! (Note: This is from my photographer friend, Nicole, and I could not have said it any better or different so I asked her if it was okay to post. And, I’ve been meaning to post it for 8 weeks now! How bad is that?!) I shoot hundreds of frames during a session. It takes me 4+ hours just to look through the 1,000+ and edit it down to the best images. From there I use editing software to add brightness, contrast, and black to give the images a pop. I also crop out anything distracting or unflattering. Then, I do minor retouching on the images (wrinkles, blemish removal, scratches or kid snot removal). Finally, I’ll make copies and convert some copies to black and white and then add further contrast, brightness, etc. When that’s done the images are saved, saved to a backup location and then uploaded to smugmug (so...