The S. Family | San Francisco Family Photographer

I had a wonderful time with this beautiful family! They were so much fun and the baby was sooooo happy and big brother is in love with her. Turns out, a friend I grew up with is really great friends with them. It is SUCH a small world! This family was already a referral from another fabulous client of mine to begin with, but then turns out friends with another friend too. Hope that makes sense, I am rambling here, but I think it’s a funny story. My friend and I from growing up had a conversation on Facebook and it went something like this: My Friend: “Did you photograph a family today at the Palace of Fine Arts?” Me: “Yes, a Mom who is really pretty and tall, a Dad, a toddler and a baby. Did you see me running around?” (Thinking she saw me there!!!!) My Friend: No, but that is one of my BEST friends I just talked to her and we were together earlier getting our hair done and she said she had a family photo shoot at the Palace of Fine Arts! (putting two and two together) SO COOL! Anywho, it was SUPER windy in S.F. this day it was killing me, but we really didn’t let it get to us and just worked our way around the park! One of my favorite places is the Palace of Fine Arts and I just don’t get out that way as much as I’d like. So beautiful!!! Here are a few...