On June 12 I posted this status on my FB page, ” Hi everyone! Don’t forget to back up your digital images! CD/DVDs will only last a number of years. Use external drives and online storage services. Q: Heather, what do you do with your own digial images? A: I back up everything on 1) CD/DVDs; 2) my computer; 3) two external drives; and 4) an online storage service. You want to make sure your digital images survive time and technology advances!”

This past April my hard drive crashed! This weekend my mother board crashed and the entire computer went ka-pootz!!! Luckily, I had EVERYTHING backed up! So again, I can’t stress this enough!

I got behind a couple of days after everything was said and done and researched and chosen and bought and assembled! Loading up everything onto my new baby as we speak so I’ll be back to business in no time! Thanks for your patience!

Here is a photograph from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology College graduation. (Palo Alto, CA) I haven’t even had the time to put up a preview from this event yet!