Aug 19, 2010 | san jose baby photographer, san jose baby photography, san jose children photographer, san jose children photography, san jose kids photographer, san jose kids photography, san jose newborn photographer, san jose newborn photography
I had a visit with a beautiful newborn baby girl and her big sis today! Big sis is super duper excited about the baby. I’m going to dig in this weekend after I finish the rest of my work, but here is a peek!...
Jun 30, 2010 | san jose baby photographer, san jose baby photography, san jose kids photography, san jose newborn photographer, san jose newborn photography, san jose photographer
Introducing my little sister! She is about four days old in these photos. She arrived on June 13 weighing in at 6 lbs 14 ounces, 19 inches and lots of hair! I did her photos in all natural light so I would not disturb the sleeping beauty… SO...
Jun 4, 2010 | mountain view baby photographer, mountain view newborn photographer, san jose baby photography, san jose family photography, san jose newborn photography, san jose twin photographer
I am so excited for this family! The G. family welcomed their beautiful twin girls just two weeks ago! They are so precious! I had the opportunity to visit today and snap some photos of these two little peas in a pod. I couldn’t even wait to upload a few! (As my husband says, “Addiction at it’s finest, Heather!” Hey — I’m glad it’s photography! *smile*)...
May 16, 2010 | san jose baby photography, san jose kids photography, san jose newborn photography
This beautiful baby boy was so wide awake! Alert and ready for the world! Even when his Mommy rocked him so he could take a rest — he wasn’t going to fall for that! Nope, he wanted to be part of the action! He stole my heart like they all do and I’m so happy for the parents! You know it’s bad when your photographer is singing to your kid, “Oh sweeetpea! We love you can’t you see?! Come on come on come on and dance with meeeee!”. Yup, I really was. Enjoy your sneak...